Adult Orthodontics | 文京区で矯正歯科を行うチェレステ矯正歯科茗荷谷

Adult Orthodontics | 文京区で矯正歯科を行うチェレステ矯正歯科茗荷谷

Adult Orthodontics

The Difference between Child and Adult Orthodontics

Most think orthodontics is a treatment for youth. This is just a myth, orthodontics does work for elders, and is also effective to move teeth of older patients. Someone say that teeth movement is slower and cause more pain. These are also misunderstandings, pain and speed of movement do vary, but according to individual character, not age.
Basically, the aim of adult orthodontics differs from child orthodontics. Jaw bones of children are not completed, so the main aim is to modify the growth (Stage I). Adults do not have growth potential, so we can only align teeth coordinating to the completed jaw bones. In summary, child orthodontics is for “jawbone guidance”, and adult orthodontics is for “teeth alignment only”. However, the range of adult tooth movement is now excessive than most imagine, even without bone modification. Most adult cases can be treated except few cases with large bone discrepancy. Orthodontics can change the appearance, smile, function, health, and life. Please consult us if there is anything that concerns you.

Issues of Adult Orthodontics

Understanding the Physical Condition

Adult orthodontics without surgical approach cannot change the skeleton, as we have described. Thus, it is very important to understand the present physical condition of facial part, which is totally different in every patient, at first. The facial skeleton, lateral facial profile, smile line, and soft tissue (togue and gingiva) should be examined carefully first. And then set a plan based on academic evidence base to coordinate tooth alignment to fit them. This is “individual skeleton-based treatment”.

Obtain Functional Occlusion

Orthodontics is not all for cosmetic purpose. Our doctors dedicated on orthodontics in Tokyo Medical and Dental University, whose orthodontic
treatment lay great emphasis on correcting occlusal functions. Appropriate masticatory function does not cause excessive loading to stomach and intestines, correct muscular function lead to correct pronunciation and swallow. Moreover, functional occlusion induces esthetical alignment spontaneously.

Surgical Orthodontics Collaborating with Other Clinics

Severe skeletal problems should be considerate to treat by surgical orthodontics. This is a treatment covered and incorporated by national medical insurance in Japan. We are sorry that our clinic does not apply insurance presently. Therefore, the patients are judged to be applied to surgery, we will refer them to our collaborating clinics or hospitals.

Clear and Esthetic Braces

Traditional labial (front side of teeth) orthodontics is treated with wires and braces. Labial orthodontics is the most mature and completed technique. Though many new techniques have appeared recently, it is still the most effective and efficient method for both doctors and patients.
Thus, we use this technique mainly. In the rest of world, metal braces are major, but clear braces are used in almost all cases in Japan. Esthetics during the treatment is much increased with these appliances.

Advantages of Labial Orthodontics

  • Indicated to all cases with different difficulty.
  • Cost less than other orthodontic techniques.
  • Variable devices can be selected.
  • Developed for a long history, the most mature and effective technique.
  • Move teeth most efficiently, thus take the least treatment duration.

Retreatment Orthodontic Plan

Since teeth continue to shift throughout life, even individuals who have undergone orthodontic treatment as children may experience misalignment after the retention period ends. For those facing such concerns, our clinic offers a Retreatment Orthodontic Plan. Please feel free to contact us for more details.

Q. What are the differences between orthodontic treatments at a general dental clinic and a specialized orthodontic clinic?

A. I will explain the respective advantages and disadvantages.

In the case of a specialized orthodontic clinic


  • As orthodontists are full-time, they can respond quickly to issues during treatment (such as appliance detachment, dealing with wire ends poking the cheek).
  • A wide range of treatments (front side, back side, mouthpiece correction) can be proposed.
  • Since the director is an orthodontist, stable long-term treatment can be provided.
  • Equipped with the necessary facilities for orthodontic treatment (dental CT, head X-ray standards).
  • Easier to schedule appointments according to your wishes (leading to possible reduction in treatment period).


  • Cannot treat cavities before or during treatment.
  • Extractions are performed at other clinics.

In the case of a general dental clinic


  • Parallel treatment of cavities and orthodontic treatment is possible.
  • Can handle extractions.


  • If the orthodontist is part-time, there may only be 1-2 clinic days per month, and immediate response to treatment issues might not be possible. Also, less flexibility in appointment scheduling.
  • Part-time orthodontists may resign during treatment, leading to unclear responsibility and costs.
  • Often, the dentist in charge of orthodontics is not a specialist, limiting the treatment methods and applicable symptoms.
  • Lack of specialized orthodontic equipment and X-rays (especially head X-ray standards) is common.

Q. What does it mean to conduct detailed examinations, diagnosis, and treatment planning?

A. It involves understanding the current state of the patient’s teeth alignment, speculating on the cause of the current alignment, identifying factors, and planning the treatment goal. Simply put, it means establishing the starting point and setting the goal.

【Understanding the Starting Point ①: Detailed Examination & Data Collection】

・Photography of intraoral and facial conditions and taking impressions to check the alignment and occlusion of teeth, size of teeth, and width of the dental arch.

・Panoramic: Checks overall condition of teeth, presence of cavities, periodontal disease, wisdom teeth, etc.

・Head X-ray standard photography: Checks the skeletal profile (jawbone, position and angle of front teeth) from side and front views.

・CT Photography: Checks 3D (three-dimensional) skeletal structure.

【Understanding the Starting Point ②: Numerical Analysis】

Analyzing the collected data numerically to evaluate the skeleton and dental axis.

【Setting the Goal: Diagnosis & Treatment Planning】

  • Presentation of whether extraction will be necessary or not
  • Presentation of treatment process (order of tooth movement)
  • Presentation of the treatment device (method)
  • Presentation of the approximate treatment duration

Adult Orthodontics Clear Plastic Braces with Metal Wires ¥770,000
Clear Ceramic Braces with White Wires ¥880,000
Metal Braces with Metal Wires ¥715,000

※Because the amount is large, installment payments are possible. There are no fees.

There is no upper limit on the number of installments, but as long as you can pay by the time the orthodontic device is removed, there is no problem.

※In most cases, the basic treatment fee covers all device costs (without additional charges), but sometimes special auxiliary devices are necessary. In such cases, we will explain and, with your consent, charge the additional cost at actual expenses.

Utilization of Digital Equipment

Our clinic uses a simulation software that integrates data from an intraoral scanner “iTero” and a dental CT to visualize information about your mouth. It is not widely known, but teeth are aligned on top of the jawbone. This simulation software visualizes the limit of movement and safe position of teeth during orthodontic treatment, thereby providing a safe and secure orthodontic treatment while avoiding risks such as gingival recession.

Intraoral Scanner

【Intraoral Scanner】

We scan the current alignment of your teeth and reproduce it on the monitor.

Dental CT

【Dental CT】

We obtain information about the thickness of jawbones, shape of teeth, temporomandibular joints, etc., using low-exposure CT imaging.

Simulation Software

【Simulation Software】

We integrate the information about your mouth obtained from the intraoral scanner and dental CT, and show you a simulation plan of the treatment.

Combined treatment with dental orthodontic anchor screws


Anchor screws refer to small titanium screws with high biocompatibility, measuring about 6mm in length and 1.5mm in width. They serve as a fixed source for moving teeth during orthodontic treatment and are temporarily implanted in the jawbone. This method allows for a broader range of tooth movement, enabling more aggressive treatment, as well as reducing treatment time and improving outcomes.

Our clinic offers treatments that utilize these dental orthodontic anchor screws, tailored to the patient’s symptoms.

Essential Work by Dental Hygienists

Cleaning & Guidance During Treatment

During orthodontic treatment, wearing appliances makes brushing more difficult. To prevent cavities and periodontal disease, we offer personalized cleaning sessions during regular visits.

Tartar Removal

Plaque that remains on uncleaned areas hardens into tartar over time. We carefully remove this tartar using an ultrasonic scaler.

Tooth Surface Cleaning

We check areas where plaque accumulates and explain common spots that are often missed during brushing. Using a special toothpaste and a rotating brush tool, we thoroughly clean the tooth surfaces.

Treatment Duration and Frequency of Visits

General Orthodontic Treatment Duration

Since all patients have different condition and initial alignment, it is difficult to estimate the treatment duration uniformly. But in general, it takes 2 years in average for “active treatment” which is the duration wearing braces. The mechanism of tooth movement is to disrupt the surrounding bones of teeth and then regenerate them, thus the velocity is biological limited. We cannot move teeth too quickly that damage tissues.

Frequency of Visits

The cycle of tooth movement is about 3 weeks, so we usually ask patients to come once in a month for wire adjustment. If it is not possible to take an appointment so frequently, for the reason such as living a distant place or being busy, we can elongate it. And we will adjust the devices fitting to the appointments.


After the braces removed, the “retainer” is necessary to keep the treated alignment. There are several types of retainers, but most of them are removable. The duration of retention is about 1 year for 24 hours. If the alignment of teeth become stable, the retainer can be worn only during sleep.

The Procedure of Treatment


At first visit, we will ask you about where you want to improve and your request. Then we will tell you the estimated total fee and approximate treatment plan. If you have any problem about tooth alignment, please consult us freely. This consultation is free of charge and is available for multiple times. Moreover, it is also available to consult us online through consultation form. Please feel free to contact us.


If you have decided to be treated in our clinic, we need to have an examination including impression, photo and X-ray taking. Please do not worry about the exposure of X-ray since our machine is digital with very low dose.

step3Diagnosis (Confirm Treatment Plan)

We analyze the materials from examination carefully at first. Then develop a plan fitting to the patient’s individual condition and request. We will also refer the patient to our collaboration clinics to have general dental treatment if necessary.

step4Braces/Appliances Delivery

Deliver braces or other orthodontic devices. It takes longer time in this appointment. We also explain the precautions to patient at the first time.

step5Active Treatment (Regular Visit/Adjustment)

Let patients have daily life with orthodontic devices. We need to check and adjust the appliances regularly. In general, appointment is taken once a month.

step6Finish Active treatment(Remove devices)

After goals of orthodontics completed, we remove the devices. The alignment is not stable at this point, so the retainers are necessary to be wear.

step7Retention and Follow up

After active is finished, we still need to follow up the stability of dentition and check the occlusion regularly. It is also necessary to clean and check the fitting of retainers. However, the frequency of visit may be reduced much than the active treatment.

Our Counseling Policy

  1. 1. We respect the wishes and feelings of our patients regarding their treatment.
  2. 2. In explaining to patients and responding to questions, we avoid difficult medical terms and provide clear answers.
  3. 3. We value a trust relationship that begins with active listening.
  4. 4. By presenting the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment method, we aim to prevent as much as possible the asymmetry of information between doctor and patient.
  5. 5. The chief physician Kanaya and the deputy chief physician Rai will be in charge from counseling to treatment.

We believe that the opportunity for an initial consultation is not just about choosing or being chosen for a treatment method, but a time to better learn about orthodontic treatment and to engage in dialogue. We hope this will alleviate any anxiety and deepen understanding of orthodontic treatment. Please feel free to make an appointment for an initial consultation and visit us.

Please feel free to get in touch with us.
